Scalable, actionable marketing advice, production planning and strategy for indie authors.

Ready to take the next step on your writing journey?

Space to Write

You write. You build your audience. We help you keep your existing readers and find new ones.

Leave the mystery for your story. Get concrete solutions to your marketing and production challenges.

Personalized strategies for indie authors ready to take the next step.

Marketing Assessment

You can’t figure out where you want to go without knowing where you are. We help you identify where you are doing well and where you could use some help. With a deep knowledge of industry best practices specifically in the indie sphere, we can guide you as you develop a comprehensive plan.

Be Informed

Hire your own personal researcher who can investigate new opportunities. Then, learn how to put that knowledge into action and integrate it into your overall strategic plan.

The Big Picture

Walk away with a 6 month, one year, or two-year plan, with signposts and tasks to help keep you on track. Grow your readership and keep your current readers engaged and anticipating the next release.

Get Your Production On Track

Choose ideal dates to launch your titles and create a comprehensive workflow to ensure that your launch is a success. We can help you release consistently and strategically while producing a high-quality product your readers can trust.


At Space to Write, we take the mystery out of marketing your book